Newton's Bilingual Dictionary
of Land Surveying, Geography and Geomatics

The Newton's is growing !

With over six thousand technical terms, the Newton's cannot yet be said to be exhaustive. However, its aim is to become the reference in its field.

If you already have the Newton's, you can take part in this project by sending the terms for which you have not found a translation to the author.

Specify the books or magazines in which you found them, their definition and the translation you think they might have (for those who are simply in doubt), as well as the desired response time.

These terms will undergo research, the result of which will be sent to you in the requisite time. Needless to say, the longer the notice given, the more precise and reliable the result will be.

For this or for any other question or comment :

- write to :

41 rue Saint Jean
31130 Balma

- or send an e-mail:
Send and e-mail to the author
